jeudi 3 juin 2010


Today i'm lost in translation.

Pretty hard to explain. I had to take a decision for months. And always postpone deadlines.
Today a new playcard has been added. And i still not choose.
Major question is WHY.
And, actually... i dont know!
I'm totally scared about every things that could happen... or not.
I don't wanna be alone anymore. I guess.

But now, the only tune on my head "should i stay or should i go"?
Should i stay in this flat? With anyone else.
Should i stay in this city? And be alone, anew.
Should i leave everything?

I've never be really good at making choices. Even 'simple ones'.
This one is surely the hardest i had (well actually still HAVE) to do.


3 commentaires:

  1. Oh je sens qu'on va aller prendre un café demain :(

  2. Oh :/. j'espere que ca ira ..!

  3. I'm at a coffee shop and two girls are speaking french! made me think of you :)


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